Angel Communication Unlocked: 5 Essential Keys
Discover the secrets to unlocking angelic communication. Learn the 5 essential keys to connect with your divine guides and receive messages of love, guidance, and support. Unlock your spiritual potential and experience the transformative power of angelic contact.

Did you realize you can communicate with your angels 24 hours a day?
Your angels are sending you hundreds of impressions and hunches every day. This article will provide you with 5 Essential Keys to being in close contact with your angels.
Certain innate qualities and habits will need to be re-awaken, but with patience and practice, they will become second nature.
Be patient with yourself as you practice this.
Reconnecting with your angels can bring back the joy and wonder you experienced as a child. If you're not used to listening to your intuition, it can take some time to develop it again. But remember, you were in constant contact with your angels as a child, and you can be so again!

The most important key to communicating with your angels is being relaxed! You are more sensitive and aware that way. Tension, stress, and negativity build a wall between you and your guidance. It will be easier for them to communicate with you if you're relaxed. So, do them a favor. Take a few minutes to breathe if you're tense.
You want your angels to help you. And they are more than willing to help. But, if you expect your angels to tell you what choices to make without telling them what you want first, I bet you need more straightforward answers from your angels. You don't need to know all the details yet, but you must set specific goals you want to achieve materially and spiritually. Once you're clear on what you want and what aspects of your life you want to heal, your angels will help you fill in the little details to guide you exactly where you want to go.
Imagine getting in your car and expecting your GPS to give you directions without first setting the destination where you want to go. Well, that's what you do to your angels if you ask them to help you make decisions without setting clear goals first.
They can also determine whether your goal is realistic, aligned with your life purpose, and if you have enough time to reach your goal. Remove the guesswork from your life!
Your angels communicate with you through your spiritual senses (AKA - intuition).
There are four spiritual avenues of communication:
- Intuition
- Vision
- Prophecy
- Feeling.
You can receive messages from your angels through these four avenues. Some ways you might receive communication are words, hunches, ideas, a-ha moments, visions, and feelings.
But here's the key. You must be in touch with and aware of your intuition or psychic ability to receive these messages. If you spend most of your time in your intellect (your logical, rational side), you will miss many of the messages your angels send you.
The more you develop your psychic ability, which is essentially your heightened sensitivity to the spiritual world, the better your communication with your guides will be.
When you feel goosebumps or shivers going down your spine, that's a sign that your angels communicate with you! This happens because your guides have such a high vibration of energy that when they come close to you physically, it gives your nervous system an extra charge.
Angels confirm that you're on the right track, remind you that they are with you, or give you a sign to pay attention to something in your surroundings.
You've set your clear goals and intentions. You're paying attention to your intuition and the chills. Now, watch what unfolds in your life!
Maybe you meet a person who will be a great friend to you. Maybe a travel opportunity arises. Maybe you are presented with a new job offer. These are just a few examples of the opportunities your angels might guide you towards.
If it's aligned with what you want, then take the opportunity! It's amazing how many people don't take the opportunity when it's presented to them. At the last minute, they get stuck in fear, which can often be a sign that the opportunity is significant, and they don't move forward with what they desire. Your angels can't do that part for you. You're the one who has to take action and follow through.
Know that you have incredible help and wisdom available to you every step of the way!
Embrace the power of calling upon the Angels and praying to them. Once you realize the strength of bonding with your Angels, watch your wishes and dreams swiftly come to fruition. Nothing is beyond their capabilities to handle.
Here are two prayers for you. From our book of angelic prayers.
An Angelic Prayer to Release an Attitude of Victimhood and Awaken Your Inner Power
Try this angelic prayer! As soon you overcome your attitude of victimhood, you step into your spiritual mastery and awaken your inner power.
Dear Angel,
please, help me remove all the negative feelings and thoughts that make me think and act like a victim. Give me guidance so that I may stop complaining about misfortune and take responsibility for my life and my happiness. Help me overcome the attitude of victimhood and step into the power of my spiritual mastery. Every time I fall into the pitfalls of this mental attitude, remind me of the powerful, divine being that I am.
An Angelic Prayer for Faith and Miracles
Faith doesn't make sense. It makes miracles. Here is an angelic prayer for faith and miracles!
Dear Angel,
when I feel powerless, when I feel hopeless, when I feel weak, please, remind me that even with a little faith, as small as a mustard seed, I can move mountains. Help me release fears, doubts and restrictive beliefs so that I may embody the spiritual power within myself. Cleanse me from any self-limitation and make me a generous and powerful miracle worker. Purify me so that I may let the light of the Divine shine in my life and throughout my life. Offer me the confidence I need to go forth so that I may see the miracles that arise from believing and trusting.
Imagine that your desire has come true. Do not focus on 'how' it has happened, but only on the fact that it 'has happened'.
Imagine what you would like to achieve in your life, then start to feel as if you had already achieved it. In a prayer, what always matters is the feeling of being and of having what you wish for.
Imagine, for example, that you wish help from your Angels in manifesting a new job. You'll have to fine-tune with the essence of what you want and 'see' yourself in your new job. You need to dive deep into the vibes and feelings of having what you want to create. When you set an intention with a mindset of openness to receive, you affirm that what you are seeking is already being provided, created, and made available for your use.
You can better receive your heart's desires as you learn to clear out blocks, patterns, and karmic connections that no longer serve you. You start to see that all is in Divine Order, and you can relax more into acceptance of what flows in your life.
Be Grateful
To thank the Angels is essential, but not for them because giving is their true nature. They give for the pure joy of giving. To thank them is crucial for you because gratitude always brings more blessings. The feeling of gratitude is like a signal you send to the Universe, showing you are open to receiving. It's like a powerful magnet that attracts complementary energies into your life. This is why you must thank the Angels even though they do not need thanks.
From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels

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