7 Ways Healing Crystals Improve Your Health
Healing crystals are an excellent tool for clearing and balancing our energy. Here are 7 ways healing crystals improve our health.

There are many of varieties of healing crystals available and countless ways you can use them; from jewelry and decor to healing and energy clearing.
The energy of the healing crystals works with a person’s individual energy vibration to support and encourage healing, balancing energy (or chi), protecting energy and releasing negative energy. Learning more about healing crystals and using them as part of your self-care and spiritual practice can help you raise and maintain a higher vibration; making you more of a match to other high vibrating energy like optimal health, joy, peace, love and abundance.
Because healing crystals have energy healing qualities, they are an excellent tool for clearing and balancing our energy; this is why many energy healing practitioners work with them. You can use healing crystals with each of your 7 major chakras to clear and balance your own energy on a regular basis.
Chakras are energy points in our bodies, there are hundreds of them. The 7 major chakras run from the base of your spine to the top of your head (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown).
These chakras each have a color that is translucent (the colors of the rainbow starting with the root chakra) and they spin in clockwise harmony when clear and balanced (similar to a ceiling fan when you are looking up at it).
Our chakras absorb energy from our environment, other people, our emotions and anything we put in, on or around our bodies (foods, personal care items, household cleaners etc…).
Our chakras can become cloudy or unclear and out of balance (literally not spinning in harmony) from negative energy. This is a common occurrence, but if left unchecked over time it can lead to fatigue, anxiety, depression, health issues (especially with the organs in the areas of each Chakra), and other problems like financial and relationship issues.
Healing crystals can help to clear and open chakras and restore balance; doing this on a regular basis (weekly or more often) helps to improve health and maintain optimal well being.
You can simply lay with a corresponding healing crystal stone on each chakra for about 15 minutes while listening a guided meditation of your choosing (Doreen Virtue has an excellent guided meditation for chakra clearing that comes with her “Chakra Balance” book).
Here are 7 ways healing crystals improve your health:
1. Root Chakra
Your Root Chakra is located near your tailbone/crotch area. When working optimally, this chakra grounds our energy with a connection to Earth that allows negative energy to flow through us; instead of lingering within us. This chakras helps us manifest our basic needs like food, money, shelter, etc. This Chakra is bright, clear red. Red crystals are usually associated with it such as Ruby, Garnet or Red Jasper. However, Black Tourmaline also helps clear and balance this Chakra.
2. Sacral Chakra
Your Sacral Chakra is located in your abdomen area. It supports reproductive organs and helps manifest intimate connections in our relationships. This Chakra is clear, gleaming orange when clear and balanced. Orange crystals like Carnelian and Orange Calcite work well with this Chakra.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
You Solar Plexus Chakra is your core, located about two inches up from you belly button. This clear yellow Chakra is your power house, your intuitive guide (gut feelings) and affects all organs in that area (intestines and serotonin levels included, which can contribute to depression). This Chakra manifests your confidence and helps control emotions; when it is clear and balanced, you can manage your emotions much better (without having extreme highs and lows). Yellow crystals like citrine and gold topaz work well with this Chakra.
4. Heart Chakra
Your Heart Chakra is emerald green and located in the middle of your chest about two inches above your breast area. It supports love, compassion, and empathy for yourself and others. It also supports all organs in that area including your heart and lungs. When clear, open and balanced, you are more easily able to be trusting, loving and compassionate (avoiding judgmental thinking). Green crystals like Aventurine and Emerald work well with this Chakra, so does Rose Quartz (wearing a Rose Quartz pendant helps with healing from a “broken” heart or any heart or lung health issues).
5. Throat Chakra
Your Throat Chakra is clear, deep blue and located in your lower throat area where your collarbones meet. It supports healthy communication and is vital for healthy relationships. When you have health issues in this area (no matter how minor), you are stuffing your true feelings and closing down communication in some way. When healthy and clear, this Chakra allows you to communicate in loving ways and establish healthy, authentic boundaries for your life. Blue crystals work well with this Chakra like Lapis Lazuli and turquoise.
6. Third Eye Chakra
Your indigo blue Third Eye Chakra is located between your eyes and up about an inch on your forehead. This Chakra is about sight; physical and intuitive. When clear and open, this Chakra connects you to your higher-self and spirit. Opening this Chakra is crucial for heightened intuition and enlightened discernment. Crystals that help open and clear this Chakra are Amethyst and Blue Calcite.
7. Crown Chakra
Your Crown Chakra is the top of your head and is white or royal purple. This Chakra is our connection to the universal oneness, our higher-self, and our spirituality. This Chakra gives us claircognizance intuition (clear knowing), allowing us to know what is for our highest good in all situations. The crystals that support this chakra and our optimal brain function are Selenite or Clear Quartz.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you experience a health issue in a certain area, a sore throat, for example, use the corresponding chakra stone on the Chakra for that area of the body to help release negative energy in that area and enhance your healing. You can lay down with the stone on your chakra for a few minutes several times a day until symptoms subside.
Originally written by Gina Sendef
Source: onewiselife