An Angelic Prayer for when you feel wounded and betrayed
Do you feel betrayed, wounded, and brokenhearted? Say this Prayer to recover and move forward after a traumatic betrayal.

Pray this prayer when you feel wounded and betrayed.
Dear Angel,
I feel betrayed, wounded, and brokenhearted. Please, heal these wounds and ease my pain. Guide me to let go of the offense and trust God to bring justice to this situation, in His own time and in His way. Please, never allow me to get stuck in my pain or give power to my personal dramas. Steer me away from wasting my time and energy living in the past, and guide me to move forward in peace and freedom. Help me forgive those who betrayed and wounded me so I may stop hurting myself by holding onto bitterness, anger, and the pursuit of revenge. Never allow this betrayal to damage my confidence and trust in humankind. Help me remember that you are always here for me even when others betray and harm me.
This Prayer comes from our new book of prayers:
Dear Angel...Prayers For Healing Miracles, Protection, Guidance, and Financial Blessings
If you liked our first book of Prayers: 365 Prayers to the Angels, you'd love this one:
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