An Angelic Prayer For Protection In Times Of Coronavirus
A Prayer to the Angels to protect yourself and all your loved ones from this terrible disease. To give strength and hope to all the people in the world who are now fighting against the coronavirus.

An Angelic Prayer to the Angels to protect yourself and all your loved ones from this terrible disease. To give strength and hope to all the people in the world who are now fighting against the coronavirus.

Dear Angels,
I pray for you to protect with your powerful shield of light myself, my loved ones, family members, friends, and acquaintances. Please prevent us from contracting the coronavirus. I also ask you to protect all those in the world who are now fighting against this terrible disease. Please give them the strength to resist, persist, and win this battle. Help them to know that you journey with them and that you are holding their hands and leading them to claim victory in this war on disease. Please give them physical strength and heavenly peace and remind them that all things are possible for those who believe. Make their bodies overflow with strength and their hearts overflow with hope. Please give all your mighty power to win this battle to all the doctors, nurses, and everyone on the front line in this fight against evil. With your Angelic help, the whole world will be healed and purified. Thank You.

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365 Prayers to the Angels

No matter what challenge you're encountering, no matter how hopeless a situation seems, nothing is impossible to your Angels! Just get ready to ask and be open to receiving.
All you need to do is to invoke the Angels at your side and pray to them. Our book 365 Prayers to the Angels is your daily tool to connect with your Angels. In this book, you’ll also find the 7 Golden Rules and a secret tool to make your prayers work amazingly. The positive outcome of your prayers to the Angels will increase dramatically when you start to use them!