A Prayer to the Angels to Shatter and Defeat the Coronavirus Attack
Let's all pray to the Angels, to help us shatter and defeat the coronavirus attack.

A Prayer to the Angels to Shatter and Defeat the Coronavirus Attack

Dear Angels,
please, shield us against all evil attacks such as the one that is bringing the coronavirus into our homes. Place a shield of angelic, glittering and vibrant light all around us. Remove any dark energy from our lives. Command evil spirits to leave us and never come back. Keep our minds focused on love and compassion so that witchcraft and evil attacks may not have any stronghold on our lives. Guard our bodies against toxic diseases like the coronavirus. Smash all the strongholds that evil formed against our will. Dispel all the negative forces around us. Please, guard us now and always in the shelter of your love. Amen

Eager for more angelic prayers? Blessings, protection, guidance...
365 Prayers to the Angels
No matter what challenge you're encountering, no matter how hopeless a situation seems, nothing is impossible to your Angels! Just get ready to ask and be open to receive.
All you need to do is to invoke the Angels at your side and pray to them. 365 Prayers to the Angels is your daily tool to connect with your Angels. In this book you’ll also find the 7 Golden Rules and a secret tool to make your prayers work amazingly. The positive outcome of your prayers to the Angels will increase dramatically when you start to use them!
Every time you ask for help, the angels fulfill their mission and you achieve your goals and live a miraculous life!