Pick An Ancient Sun To Receive Your Guiding Message For The Week
Each specific drawing represented an Angelic guide, or radiant energy. Which of these 3 ancient sun depictions will you pick? Select your favorite one then read the meaning of your choice.

The iconic tradition of depicting the Sun with rays and with a human face developed in Western tradition in the high medieval period and became widespread in the Renaissance, harking back to the Sun god (Sol/Helios). Each specific drawing represented an Angelic guide, or radiant energy.
Which of these 3 ancient sun depictions will you choose?
If you chose Sun #1:
Drink your water, eat healthy, and make sure to keep the mind clear so that you can be very focused on how you’re moving forward. Today is the day that we want to make sure that we are clear on what we want and how we would like it to happen so that our spiritual teams may help us along the way to obtain it. We are amazing, awesome manifestors! So let’s make sure that we are clear about what we want before we put it out there, okay?
he Angels would like you to know that it’s time to put the fear aside and go for it! There is something in your life that you’ve been wanting to try for a very long time that you believe will bring you happiness and they agree. So, set fear aside and do your best today to take one step or even just one small action towards that goal so that the feeling of progress may sweep over you and all of those baby steps can add up to accomplishment!
Many times we may feel as though we are out of alignment with their soul’s purpose. This sun was chosen today so that we may be aware that no matter how out of alignment we may feel sometimes, the Universe and our Spiritual Team are always gently nudging us back on path. So if you are feeling as though you may be off track slightly, take some time today to sit with Spirit and gently feel the energetic stream of the Universe pull you back into the right direction.
Now is the time to step forward in caution. You need to be able to gather all of the facts and resources around you before taking any action in the direction that you seek. Ask the Archangel Uriel to help you find the resources and knowledge that you need in order to move forward in the direction that you desire with a complete understanding of all the options that are available to you. This is a time of making a choice and it is so important to be well informed before choosing at this moment.
If you chose Sun #3:
Now is the time to focus. We understand that often you are distracted by the things that draw your attention away from what needs immediate fixing.
You must choose the priorities of what is important to you and those that you support throughout this lifetime and eliminate all distractions as you move forward for the highest good for you and all of those in your soul group that you have chosen to be with at this time in your life. The Universal energy is coming into a time of great advancement and you are a key player. We know that you do not take this lightly, and trust that you will give it all of the focus that it needs for the highest good. We are next to your side, supporting you along the way and taking care of you and yours.
The focus that you need to have right now should be on family. There is a family situation that is needing your attention, love, and support. You are one of the main lights available for the situation and to be the anchoring energy for those involved is so important right now.
Source: mysticalraven.com
via wholesecrets
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