Your Favorite Angel Brings A Message That Your Soul Needs To Hear
Messages from your angels are always for your highest good; Today your favorite Angel brings you a message that your soul needs to hear.

The meaning of the word “Angel” is messenger; communication and guidance are their specialties.
Messages from your angels are always for your highest good; guiding you to your dreams, your purpose, happiness, joy and peace.
The Angels assure us that there is a very positive side to all that is happening, and there is a lot we can do to bring about a more peaceful state in all of our lives. Their messages give us insight into what we can each do right to improve not only our own lives, but the state of the world as well.
Your guardian angel(s) are excellent counselors; think of them as your very own Divine Life Coaches. Their guidance is truly for your best interests, always positive, unconditionally loving and very honest, but never judgmental or negative. You can always count on your angels for the best advice, counsel and information available.
Take a look at the 4 Angels below, and choose one that speaks to your soul.
1. Love Yourself
Photo by Bart LaRue / Unsplash
Self-love is the foundation of your life. When you are truly loving, forgiving and accepting with and of yourself; you can share and give that energy to others. We can only give what we already have for ourselves. When you are more unconditionally loving with yourself, you naturally give that to others; creating healthier relationships along the way.
All love comes from within, and so does hatred. Self-hatred, even in minimal forms, puts that energy out into the world, and it is matched, because like energy attracts like energy (Law of Attraction).
Self-love puts loving energy into the world and it is amplified and attracts more of the same. Loving yourself is loving the world!
2. Do What Brings You Joy
Photo by Lesly Juarez / Unsplash
Joy is a very high vibrating energy, aligned with love. When you do joyful things, you give that energy to others. Each one of our individual Life Purpose is to serve others in a way that bring us the greatest joy (because when we do, we help raise the energy of the planet).
When you spend your days stressed, miserable or unhappy, that energy affects everyone in your life ; it is draining! If you only act on one Angel Message, this would be the most important one; not only for your life, but for the lives of everyone around you and for the greater good.
3. Stop Comparing
Photo by Denys Nevozhai / Unsplash
When we compare ourselves or our lives to others, we lower our vibration.
Comparing is either done to makes us falsely feel better or feel worse; it is a no win either way.
The only path you need to focus on is your own, because the only person you can change is yourself. Allow others to inspire you and believe in your potential; feeling jealous or judgmental is a clear sign of destructive energy.
4. Seek Peace
World peace happens one person at a time. The more peaceful you are, the more peaceful you make the world with your energy. The first four messages all combine to help you have more peace in your life, but there are other practices that can support that.
Meditation, creative expression, yoga, physical exercise, eating clean, energy healing, essential oil diffusing, Chakra clearing/balancing and healing crystal use are all tools for creating more peaceful,energy in your life. Create a spiritual practice that centers around this principle and you will change and impact your life in very positive ways.
Call the Angels, pray to them. Your wishes and dreams are immediately fulfilled as soon as you realize the power of teaming with your Angels. Nothing is impossible for them to handle.
Here are two prayers for you from our book of angelic prayers.
An Angelic Prayer to Break Generational Curses
A generational curse stems from negative patterns of your family history that are repeated in your own life. If you feel that your life is affected by a generational curse, the time has come to break it. Pray this angelic prayer.
Dear Angel,
please, help me break all generational curses that cause me misfortune and sadness. Watch over me and my family and cover us with your shield of protection against them. Nullify them, set me free from all the curses brought by the faults of my ancestors. Please, help me heal these weaknesses and emotional wounds that have been passed through the blood from generation to generation. Guide me not to go through life struggling with the same chains and issues that my parents have struggled with, so that they will not be transferred to my children or to my children’s children. Never allow my children and the children of my children to suffer because of unresolved generational issues. Instruct me, set me free from all generational curses, now and forever, for my own sake and for the sake of my future generations.
> Amen.
An Angelic Prayer in the Midst of Change
Times of transition and change can be overwhelming, specially when the change is sudden and unexpected. Are you facing an important change in your life right now? Try this angelic prayer to "survive" this unexpected change with a quiet heart and a peaceful mind.
Dear Angel,
things in my life are now changing in an unforeseen way, please, help me accept this challenging moment with confident spirit and not try to hold on to what is changing. Please, reassure me, infuse me with faith, so that I may trust God's unfathomable plan for my life. Tell me that everything is going to be ok, help me face this unexpected change with a quiet heart and a peaceful mind. Fill me with strength so that, instead of feeling the pain of the end, I may feel the joy of a new beginning. Please, help me to not look back but move forward. Make me flexible and open to change. Make me ready to let go of the life I had planned and let the signs show me the way so that I may confidently follow the ever-surprising path of my life. Help me always remember that God has a plan for me and my job isn’t to be in control of it: it’s just to trust and go along with it.
Photo by Jen Theodore / Unsplash
Remember this: every prayer is being listened to, at any time, by your Angels. Every prayer is answered and Grace is always granted. You are unconditionally loved by Angels.
Imagine that your desire has come true. Do not focus on ‘how’ it has happened, but only on the fact that it ‘has happened’. Imagine what you would like to achieve in your life, then start to feel as if you had already achieved it. In a prayer, what always matters is the feeling of being and of having what you wish for.
Imagine, for example, that you wish help from your Angels in manifesting a new job. You’ll have to be in fine tune with the essence of what you want and ‘see’ yourself in your new job. You need to dive deep into the vibes and feelings of having what you want to create. When you set an intention with a mindset of openness to receive, you affirm that what you are seeking is already being provided, is already created and made available for your use.
As you learn to clear out blocks, patterns, and karmic connections that no longer serve you, you are better able to receive your heart’s desires You start to see that all is in Divine Order and you can relax more into acceptance of what flows in your life.
Be Grateful
To thank the Angels is really important, but not for them, because giving is their true nature. They give for the pure joy of giving. To thank them is important for you because gratitude always brings more blessings. The feeling of gratitude is like a signal that you send to the Universe showing that you are open to receive.
It’s like a powerful magnet that attracts complementary energies into your life. This is why you have to send your gratitude to the Angels even though they have no need for thanks.