How to Receive Archangel Michael's Help
Do you want to learn to effectively ask for and receive guidance from Archangel Michael? Here’s how to receive Archangel Michael's help when you need it most.

Do you want to learn to ask for and receive guidance from Archangel Michael effectively? Here's how to receive Archangel Michaels's help when needed.
Who is Archangel Michael?
Archangel Michael is one of the most popular Archangels. He and his troop of protector angels are responsible for removing fear-based thoughts and energies from the earthly plane.
Often referred to as the Protector Angel, Archangel Michael provides you with protection, courage, strength, and power. Call upon this powerful Archangel to assist you when you are afraid or feel weak and less than confident.
Archangel Michael can also help you to clear negative energies in your living or working space and remove any harmful points lodged in the bio-energetic body.
Asking for and Receiving Archangel Michael's Help
Surround yourself in a bubble of blue light. The color blue is one of the colors associated with Archangel Michael. According to color psychology, the color blue resonates with qualities of peace, tranquility, truth, and harmony.
Whenever you need a boost of confidence or a strong dose of courage, imagine that you are engulfed in a massive bubble of radiant blue light and ask Archangel Michael to protect you.
Imagine Archangel Michael cutting away and dissolving negativity and fear. One of Archangel Michaels's heavenly tools to assist humankind is a sword made of blue light.
If you are in a situation where there is a lot of built-up negativity or fear, imagine Archangel Michael cutting away and dissolving all the dissonant energies associated with that situation as you say,
"Thank you, Archangel Michael, for dissolving all negativity and fear, with your brilliant sword of blue light! May only peace, love, and joy abide here now and from now on!"
See yourself surrounded by Archangel Michael's Platoon of Holy Warriors. This is one of my favorite ways of getting the courage and confidence I need in a pinch. I am a retired attorney at law, and there were times when the opposing counsel would try to intimidate me and my efforts.
When they began to attempt to unravel me personally and professionally, I would imagine myself surrounded by hundreds of angels, all bearing swords of brilliant golden light.
Then I imagine feeling Archangel Michael standing directly behind me, protecting me with his glorious wings! Talk about a confidence booster!
Use prayer candles and essential oils.
Using candles and essential oils together is a very effective way of receiving help from the heavenly realms. People have been doing this for hundreds of years, and for good reason – it works!
The prime reason is that everything is made of energy. And when you combine different elements of power with focused intent (which is what prayer really is), you put the Laws of Attraction to work on your behalf.
Next, write out your prayer request and place it underneath the candle.
Light the candle and allow it to burn down (make sure it is in a safe place that will not be disturbed by children or pets).
Finally, discard the leftover wax and the prayer. This signals to the Loving Universe that your focused prayer is complete and assures you that it is done as you have asked.

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