7 Best Prayers for Help And Guidance in Times of Troubles

Are you going through a difficult time and feeling lost?

Sometimes, life throws us challenges that seem insurmountable, but there is always hope. Prayer is a powerful tool that can provide us with the guidance and strength we need to overcome our struggles. Whether you're looking for comfort, peace, or direction, these prayers will uplift your spirits and offer solace in your time of need. So, let's dive in and discover the power of prayer together!


Dear Angel,

when I fail, please, console me, cheer me up, and help me remember that failure doesn’t mean I should give up; it means I must try harder. Help me remember that failing doesn’t mean I am a loser; it is just a step toward my self-realization.



Dear Angel,

please help me lift my heart above my problems and heaviness. Give me your clear gui­dance so that I may unveil the lesson and the blessing that every difficult situation brings.



Dear Angel,

please help me not be weighed down by the negativity of the world. Fill me with your puri­fying light so that I may wash away, release, and transmute any dense vibrational energy. Please, lift me up to embody my divine, angelic self.



Dear Angel,

please give me your graceful help to instantly heal all the sources of my emotional pain. Re­move all my unhealed hurts. Bring your resto­ring light to all the emotions that have caused me feelings of sadness, loneliness, and despair so that I may bear witness to your healing power.



Dear Angel,

success and failure, pleasure and despair, ups and downs, whatever life brings to me, please, help me be powerful and free. Help me face adversity with a smile. Grant me the strength to remain happy despite hardship and enjoy life regardless of circumstance.



Dear Angel,

when I feel lost in the midst of the darkness, please help me not lose sight of your beam of light and faithfully follow it.



Dear Angel,

please help me handle every difficult situation and every unexpected event with calmness, confidence, and self-control. Infuse me serenity with your gentle whispers from above. Let me feel your loving presence so that I may calm my spirit.


These prayers are taken from our Book "365 Prayers to the Angels: Get your prayers answered and fulfill all your dreams with the help of the Angels"

Just get ready to ask and be open to receive. All you need to do is to invoke the Angels at your side and pray to them.


  1. It helps you make the act of praying to the Angels an essential part of your daily life
  2. It teaches you the 7 Golden Rules to pray to the Angels to fulfill all your wishes
  3. It helps you develop your personal relationship with Angels
  4. In the rush of your life, it will be your precious inner space of peace and light
  5. It helps you stay heart-centered and positive whatever happens around you
  6. It gives you strength and courage when you feel overwhelmed
  7. It unveils you the secret ‘weapon’ to empower your prayers

These 365 Prayers are your daily tool to connect with your Angels. They are just waiting for you to invite them into your world! They will bring love, happiness, wealth, health, and good luck into your life.

Nothing is impossible for them!

  • The Angels can help you make contact with the right people you need to meet at a perfect time: a new partner, a new doctor, new friends, more customers for your business, good advice to invest your money, personal referral to get you a new and better job,… •
  • The Angels can provide you with the resources you need to fulfill your practical needs: financial support, supplies, education, wealth for your family, the perfect spot for your new house,…
  • The Angels can give you strength when you feel overwhelmed and help you stay calm when everything around you is a mess.

You’ll also find the 7 Golden Rules and a secret tool to make your prayers work amazingly. The positive outcome of your prayers to the Angels will increase dramatically when you start to use them!

These 365 Prayers will put Angels at work; nothing makes them happier than to help you! Every time you ask for help, the angels fulfill their mission, and you achieve your goals and live a miraculous life!

365 Prayers to the Angels

Get Your Prayers Answered and Fulfill All Your Dreams With the Help of the Angels

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