The Sixth Sense of Dogs: Can They Sense Evil Presences?
Do dogs have a sixth sense to detect evil presences? Learn more about the supernatural connection between dogs and the unexplained world.

We, as humans, may not be able to pick up on the presence of an evil spirit ourselves, but what about dogs?
Can dogs sense evil spirits?
If you have ever heard of someone who experienced a case in which their dog helped them to detect an evil spirit, don't take their affirmation lightheartedly. Dogs DO sense evil spirits.
They have a different extra sensorial structure, so they hear sounds as high as 47,000 to 65,000 Hz. These sound far too high-pitched for us.
But dogs can also detect different energies that negative people and evil spirits emanate. Remember, dogs are adept at differentiating between good and evil, which can extend to spirits.
Some people have bad energy that comes into play when they meet sensitive people. If you have been walking on your spiritual path for quite some time, you know that you can detect a person's energy, be it a good vibe or a bad one.
You know what we mean if you have a dog or have had a dog. It has undoubtedly happened that your furry creature has suddenly started barking at someone for no apparent reason and without that person taking any action towards our dog or us. On the other hand, your dog has immediately shown a fond affection for a stranger. In both cases, it means they were sensing something we could not detect immediately. Dogs can feel other people's energy.
And sometimes their reactions are surprising, simply astonishing.
The two stories narrated below are about the sensitivity of dogs. In this case, we bring to your attention two episodes that involved our beloved dog.

Our beloved (and much missed) French Bulldog dog Olivia was extraordinary at many levels. Still, on the sensitive side of her character, you could bet your last dollar (or whatever currency you use).
The first episode is quite scary, to a certain extent. The second episode narrated in this article is funnier, even hilarious.
Episode 1: Olivia and the evil woman
Olivia was a fantastic dog with an out-of-the-ordinary sensitivity. She was just one year old or so when this episode happened. We went to a shopping mall with a friend of ours and her daughter, who was six y.o at that time. As soon as we entered, we spotted a weird-looking woman in her 60s (approximately, but it was that kind of person whose age is hard to guess - you couldn't exactly tell how old she was).
The woman wore a long and colored skirt and a surcoat that both had seen better days and a scarf was hiding part of her face. Her hair was black and very greasy. There was something mysterious, something strange about her. She spotted our friend's daughter (we use a fancy name, let's call her Jenny) and came towards her. She began saying things like: "Oh, little girl, you are so cute," "Your hair is nice; can I touch them?", "What's your name?" Nothing she said came from a pure heart; we could feel it from the beginning. But we did not want to look disrespectful towards this woman, so we just pushed Jenny a little backward to see what she meant to do. We tried to realize if her intentions were pure and if her compliments were sincere. But Jenny was frightened, and we were beginning to feel very uncomfortable. It was not pleasant. At all.
The weird woman was constantly trying to get closer to Jenny, and before she could move further, Olivia (our dog) came to action, but not in an aggressive way, as you might expect. Olivia has always been a calm dog, and this time was no exception. She did one simple thing: she moved very close to Jenny, practically so close that she was literally lying on Jenny's feet, and when meaning 'on,' we mean it. Olivia had become a part of Jenny to a certain extent. It was no longer Jenny AND Olivia, as Olivia had cut the physical distance between them to the point that Olivia was acting as a shield. Olivia was silent but very firm, protecting Jenny from the woman's strange attention directed at her.
Olivia was not growling; she was not showing any sign of potential aggressiveness like she was in a trance.
Just a pure-hearted white little French Bulldog laying on the feet of a deranged and scared six years old girl in a shopping mall. Olivia deliberately chose to become the target of the woman's evil intentions, putting herself as a barrier between the wicked woman and Jenny.
Olivia was not even looking at the woman—just a silent yet truly potent, quiet presence. And something happened. The woman did not make any further steps toward Jenny. Of course, we were all on alert but did not intervene because of Olivia's silent yet bold presence. And as quickly as she appeared to us, the woman went away. She turned her back and moved away from us without saying any other word or doing anything. She disappeared in a blink of an eye, just like that.
With a sigh of relief, we moved away. But we suddenly realized that Olivia was not able to move. She could not walk. She was immobile like she was being 'frozen.' And she looked exhausted and completely drained. She was breathing with difficulty, and we thought for a second that she had suffered from a heart attack. She was completely motionless. We had to take her in our arms and carry her back home, questioning us on what to do.
Thank God she was quickly recovering once we returned home (shopping was not a priority, all considered). Everything was back to normality. But we know, from the depths of our hearts, that Olivia's breakdown was due to her absorbing the negative energies of that evil woman to protect Jenny from any potential danger. She acted as a shield and sponge to absorb the evil woman's energy.
She deliberately chose to put her own life at potential risk, absorbing all that tremendous amount of negativity in the air from that horrible woman to protect Jenny from an evil attack. That evening, Olivia received a double dose of daily hugs, cuddles from us, and an extra portion of well-deserved cookies. Olivia was adorable, and we loved her so much.

Episode 2: Olivia and ‘Malpelo’
As previously written, Olivia has never been a dog with aggressive behavior toward anyone. However, one evening, something happened: the proverbial exception that proves the rule.
A few years ago (Olivia was now eight years old and aging very well), we visited our friends living in beautiful Tuscany, Italy.
Our friends lived in a tiny wonderful medieval village with old stone houses, narrow alleys, and small roads paved with porphyry cobbles. A charming little town inhabited by people with a genuinely friendly attitude that is typical of us Italians. All the people in the village were very kind, but one. His nickname was Malpelo, which roughly translates into 'malicious red-haired character.' His real name was unknown to us. He was not a bad character (he was not a villain), but he always acted strangely. Sometimes, he was yelling at someone for no reason. He was also an alcoholic, so most people tried to avoid contact with him. He was always messing around, drinking, and sometimes shouting. He never caused any harm to anyone, but he was not the kind of person who was pleasant to be around.
One night, in the village, there was a traditional village festival where you could taste the typical dishes of the area. The place was very crowded, everyone was in a good mood, and our dog Olivia was also happy. She was not scared of crowded places, and because she was adorable, some people caressed her, giving her some soft pats or compliments. Olivia was very good with everyone because she loved to be caressed and cherished, even by strangers.
We were with one of our best friends there, who had had a few 'issues' with Malpelo in the previous days. We were sitting on a bench, enjoying the pleasant atmosphere, when Malpelo approached us from a side alley. That night he seemed to be (strangely) in a good mood, and he smiled at us. He knew our friend, so he came towards us, calling our friend: "Hey my friend, how are you?" with a loud voice. Our friend knew that Malpelo could turn from good to bad in less than one second, so he was not happy to meet him.
Nonetheless, he greeted Malpelo with a smile, but our dog Olivia was already on 'alert mode.' She started looking at him tilting her head, and she seemed unhappy to see this weird guy. As soon as Malpelo spotted Olivia, he suddenly went very close to her and, with his loud voice, started saying: "Hey weird little dog, you're strange but cute!" and tried to caress her. Olivia did not like his move and suddenly sprang into action. She made a big jump and reached his waist, without biting him but with very aggressive behavior. Then Olivia began to bark at him, moving quickly from one side of the man to the other, constantly looking at him, ready to spring into action again. She wanted Malpelo to understand, without a shadow of a doubt, that she did not like him. Malpelo was surprised and scared by our dog's reaction to the point that he jumped backward and started running hell for leather away from Olivia!

The funny thing is that those who knew Malpelo and witnessed the scene started laughing like mad because the whole thing was amusing to a certain extent. We forgot to say earlier that Malpelo was tall and overweight, especially compared to Olivia, a 10-kgs cute little white French Bulldog.
Imagine the scene: a tall, weird-looking corpulent man scared away by a tiny white dog in the middle of a crowded place, with people laughing loudly and enjoying what was happening.
A few moments later, everything was back to normal, and Olivia acted as if nothing had happened. Business as usual…
Once Again, Olivia had shown us how sensitive she was.
She had never seen that guy before but could feel his strange character and potential for negative actions; above all, she never loved bad guys or evil people, as narrated in the previous episode. However, she did not absorb the guy's bad energy in this case. Simply put, Olivia decided that a series of unmistakable 'warning signs' were enough to put a barrier between her and Malpelo and make things clear. She was very good at doing that, and Malpelo, like the evil woman of the previous episode, just left abruptly.
In these two episodes we witnessed in person, we have shown that dogs are sensitive beings that can distinguish the good from the bad much easier than we humans…
Take care of your dog and pay attention to their signs. Dogs are among the most precious life companions you can ever dream of!