Select One Dove, And Read Your Letter!

Future Telling. A dove brought you a nice letter from the future! Select one dove and find out what will happen in your future.

It will come true if you believe in it and wait. We assure you, the message will be only positive.

Look at the doves, close your eyes and choose one intuitively.

Dove 1: Abundance

Photo by Raphael Rychetsky / Unsplash

You are a strong enough person with luck. Sometimes you will face difficulties, but that will you make stronger. Don’t let anyone influence you and ruin your plans. After all, you have a power within you, which will help you to achieve your goals. Love life and enjoy every moment. Believe in yourself and good things will come into your life.

An Angelic Prayer for Abundance

Dear Angel,
please guide me to manifest an abundance of money in my life. Help me release every thought pattern related to scarcity and limitation that causes me to attract a reality based on a lack of goods and financial well-being. Guide me to remove any hindrance that may interfere with the divine flow of abundance. Make me open to receive the gift of financial wealth and riches. I ask you to remove my anxieties, fears and worries about money, and replace them with the awareness that prosperity is my natural state of being. Let me allow money to come into my life easily, abundantly and effortlessly so that I may experience an existence of blissful and unlimited prosperity.

(From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels)

Dove 2: Power

Photo by Tim Foster / Unsplash

Your power is in your pure love. You are a responsive and communicative person. These traits will help you much more than you expected at the beginning. Be self-confident, and you will get what you deserve. Don’t give up. Everything will come to pass in its time. Do not lose hope, do not stop fighting for your dreams. The universe is ready to give you what you asked.

An Angelic Prayer to Awaken Your Inner Power

Dear Angel,
please, help me remove all the negative feelings and thoughts that make me think and act like a victim. Give me guidance so that I may stop complaining about misfortune and take responsibility for my life and my happiness. Help me overcome the attitude of victimhood and step into the power of my spiritual mastery. Every time I fall into the pitfalls of this mental attitude, remind me of the powerful, divine being that I am.

(From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels)

Dove 3: Hope

Photo by JOHN TOWNER / Unsplash

By nature, you are a very kind and generous person. You always do a lot for others and are ready to help everyone who needs help. Now it’s time to get a reward for your labors. Good things and events are coming to your life. But for this, you need to allow the universe to guide you. Open your arms and feel worthy of love, success, and happiness. May your reward come and repay for all that you have for you.

An Angelic Prayer for Hope

Dear Angel,
today the power of hope is lacking in my life and I feel down. Please, let me rest in your embrace so that I may regain the confidence and the courage to go on stronger than before. Hold me within your compassionate embrace and give me the strength not to allow anything or anyone to put me down. In these hard times, please, hold my hand tightly and walk with me. Strengthen my confidence and don't let the light of hope fade in my heart. Help me get through the storm until I see the rainbow.

(From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels)

Read next: 11 Signs You’re Being Visited By Your Guardian Angel

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