Full Moon November 8, 2022: It's Time to Turn Your Dreams into Reality!
The next Full Moon occurring on November 8, 2022, will help you turn your dreams into reality. Learn more about the power of this Full Moon!

Are you ready for the next Full Moon?
The next Full Moon will occur on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 6:02 AM EDT and is also known as the Beaver Moon.
According to the Farmers Almanac, "This was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon."
The Full Moon, on November 08, 2022, delivers the goods in terms of versatility. The Beaver Full Moon will help you turn your dreams into reality. The Beaver Moon will also be plunged into a total lunar eclipse!
This Full Moon is, in fact, all about action and change. Will you remain stagnant in your past cycles, or will you consciously move forward by enriching your True Self?
Suddenly your life is moving at an accelerated rate, so be prepared to keep up with it during this full Moon. Be creative and not so rigid with your thoughts or actions. This full Moon is about leaving behind the noose of old habits, patterns, and broken dreams.
If you have yet to achieve a dream, you have two choices: 1) to keep on struggling to make it real, even against all possible chances of success, or 2) to let that dream go and prepare yourself for something new and more achievable.
Here is an appropriate quotation from President John Kennedy: "For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future."
What has been cannot be changed, but we can lean forward and be ready to embrace all that lies ahead.
If you follow the advice above, you are going through an extraordinary period of growth and happiness.
This is a good time for planning and determining a strategy for the future. However, you should be open to more than just thinking. You need to act. Stop thinking; start acting. We all know that action speaks louder than words. But please, do not be mettlesome. Carefully consider each step, then spring into action!
All around you invites you to be confident about your future.
The full Moon in November makes you think about important things, raises sensitive questions, and at the same time, gives hope for the best. You can't waste your energy, and what is especially important, you need to seize the moment.
Now is the time to build your dam like the beaver and stop the energy drain. It is also a time to nurture yourself and do things that bring warmth and comfort to your soul.
The Full Moon is a time of culmination. It is also the promise of fulfillment that started on the New Moon. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic "enlightenment" occurs in our lives.
Enjoy all of the celestial blessings that are coming your way in November. Make sure you thank The Creator, the angels, your spirit guides, and your ancestors for all their help in bringing you through this year.