Full Snow Moon February 27, 2021: The Moon That Makes Your Life Amazing
Are you ready for the most exciting event of the year? February’s Full Moon is the brightest full Moon of the year. It will make the rest of your life amazing!

Are you ready for the most exciting Full Moon of the year?
February’s Full Moon will be at the closest point in its orbit to Earth, making it the largest and brightest full Moon of the year!
February’s Full Moon, aka Snow Moon, reaches its peak in the early morning hours of Saturday, February 27. It is the largest and brightest full Moon of the year! It brings powerful cosmic energies into our lives, making all our dreams real.
Why is it called the Full Snow Moon?
In the words of Old Farmer’s Almanac: The explanation behind February’s full Moon name is a fairly straightforward one: it’s known as the Snow Moon due to the typically heavy snowfalls that occur in February in many parts of the world. For example, February is the United States’ snowiest month on average, according to data from the National Weather Service.
The Full Snow Moon, which is the brightest of the year, is going to shed light over the dark sides of your existence and make your inner light shine brightly.
It is a moment you cannot miss if you want to empower your life and look forward to a brighter future. This is an opportunity that you cannot miss to enhance your soul growth and achieve success in any field of life.
The Full Snow Moon will give you:
- clarity of mind
- inner confidence
- love for yourself
The Full Snow Moon is powerful and sets the stage for what’s to come, not just for the year ahead but the decade ahead too.
This Moon is telling you: “no more excuses!”.
The energies of the Full Snow Moon are potent but are not disruptive. There’s nothing to be worried about. We have to embrace change and make the best out of it. This Moon is asking you to be brave, to step out of your comfort zone and start new projects, look for new opportunities, and sometimes do the unexpected. This could be the time to change your job or change the place you live and move to another town, or state, or nation. If you're feeling overwhelmed by how grand your soul's purpose may be, this full moon will also give you the necessary tools to take action and go beyond your limits.
This Full Snow Moon is telling us that the only limits we have are self-imposed.
The good news is, the Full Snow Moon’s magnificent power will be felt three days before reaching its peak time and for three days afterward. So we have plenty of time to prepare ourselves for a major shift in our lives.
Do not let this moment pass you by.
It’s time to be bold now!
Read Next: See What Your Favorite Moon Says About Your Personality
Image by kien virak from Pixabay