How To Break The Vicious Circles Of The Mind And Live Life To The Fullest
Discover the key to living life to the fullest by breaking free from negative thoughts and emotions.
Our mind filters our experiences through judgment, allowing us to pass only what is in accordance with our inner “encoder.”
The mind works according to its repetitive, habitual patterns.
Rather than merely being observed, what enters our field of experience is instantly judged and then on the basis of our judgment, classified and cataloged into mental categories. This is how the experiences of the past, crystallized into judgment and prejudice, prevent the experience of the present moment from being illuminated by the light of consciousness.
We use our past as a shield to protect ourselves against the power of the present.
Rather than being open to welcoming life without judgment, we protect ourselves against its power of change through our likes and our dislikes, our certainties and convictions.
“Friendly” rather than “unfriendly,” “sincere” rather than “untrustworthy,” “happy” rather than “melancholy”, and “conservative” rather than “revolutionary”. We continuously categorize everyone around us. If, for example, someone behaves towards us with either kindness or animosity, we instantly label them as either “good” or “bad”, “nice,” or “nasty”.
However, the act of labeling others hides the truth of reality and denies its Presence. When we label someone, we forget that we are responsible for their behavior towards us.
They are our mirrors and simply reflect onto us something that comes from ourselves. In the same way, through our behavior, we reflect onto them a specific aspect that their energy field emanates at a particular moment.
When we live in the present, we recognize that everyone is a part of us as we are a part of them.
The concepts of “You” and “Me” cannot survive when they dissolve into the intensity of the Here and Now.
Conscious observation of the present moment: this is the meaning of Presence. The Presence is the ability to see ourselves reflected in the mirror of the present. The ability to pass through any experience and see it simply for what it is, without judgment. The ability to live life without labeling everything and everyone. The ability to feel the love flowing freely and unhindered within ourselves. Like a river irrigates the arid lands, restoring life after a drought, so does the Presence: it makes everything around it blossom.
The more our minds become still, the more we live in the present moment. To live in the present means to return to our innocence, where the simplicity of the Presence instantly cancels out the complications of the mind and all its vicious circles.
Life is a gift that can be honored only by accepting it without conditions.
Life is a miracle that can be sanctified only when every moment is fully lived beyond the concepts of past and future, with the full consciousness of the present moment.
Every moment brings with it something unique and unrepeatable; it has never happened before, and it will never happen again. Every single instant in our lives is both a gift and a miracle.
Only when the mind is silent, and we fully experience the present moment can we experience love and feel that all the love is already within us right now. We can feel that there is no limit to the amount of love we can contain: our potential for love is infinite, and this makes us unlimited beings. Love cannot come from the ego because the ego, like a pendulum, constantly swings between past and future, compulsively focusing only on things related to the past or the future.
Love always happens in the present moment. Every moment of love is timeless and eternal. Love is the pure essence of being present.
From our book We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans

It Teaches You How To:
- overcome the real matrix of ego.
- heal from the pain of the past imprinted in your emotional body.
- be truly happy and make other people happy too.
- consciously create your own reality and become love in action.
- tune in with the universal flow of love, joy, and abundance.
- build a healthy, joyful romantic relationship and achieve the sacred union.
- manage your intense sensitivity and make the best use of it in helping others.
- help others while respecting the Sacred Law of Free Will
- fulfill your highest potential as a Human Angel and find your own mission here on earth.
- open your heart and unfold your wings.
- miraculously transform your life through the awareness of the Oneness.
- turn your consciousness into action.
- reunite in a collective action of conscious and awakened beings with a common vision of a new world.

We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans
This book is a fully equipped wisdom package that gives you all the tools to change your life forever and to make the world a better place.