Connecting with Your Guardian Angel: Tips for a Powerful Relationship
Strengthen your bond with your guardian angel and experience their guidance and support in your life. Here are some tips to help you connect with them on a deeper level.

Learn how to have a strong relationship with your Guardian Angel and invite them to work with you.
All those learners of healing therapies are always curious about Guardian Angels. I was also among them when He alerted me to my life purpose and put me in the healing treatments. I used to have so many questions running around in my mind about guardian angels, and I was even more excited to connect better with them. I researched many sources to seek the answers to all the questions. At last, my higher self guided me to meet my eagerness; since then, I have had experiences with these spiritual beings. I'm a learner and always will be. I'm often asked many questions about how to communicate with guardian angels.
And my guardian angels directed me to put my experience in writing for them to help all my fellow souls on the same journey as mine.
So what are guardian angels exactly? Well, Guardian Angels are heavenly helpers assigned by God at the moment of conception, not only to every human soul but to all the earth's inhabitants. They know what you need on your spiritual journey for your divine life purpose.
Guardian angels are always there to help, never leaving your side from birth through death, no matter what mistakes you make; they love you no matter what.
As you read this, recognize that your guardian angel is standing by your side and watching you read this. When humans incarnate on earth, we come here without memories. We're given freedom of choice. Our guardian angels will always provide us with guidance and love, but it is our free will whether we listen to it or not.
How Do Angels Communicate with Us?
If someone is wondering how angels communicate? The answer is straightforward, they are constantly communicating with you with the help of signs and omens, but you are permanently blind and often ignore them. Everyone is being offered many signs, and you do not need to be a professional psychic to receive their messages. When you ask them for help, they will communicate directly with you if you can receive a message from them. But if you cannot communicate directly with them, they will find indirect ways to send their message to you.
I'm going to discuss a few ways that I have experienced so far about how they talk to me:
• Angels may answer your questions in your dreams. You may get information in your dreams for solutions to the problems you are going through.
• All of a sudden, you may have a strong desire to meet someone or get something done.
• If you meditate, the answers may come through thoughts. If you can feel their vibration, you may feel this as tingling energy moving through the body.
• They may communicate with you by a moment of unexpected vision or pictures on the Third Eye chakra.
• If you are in the library, a book may fall off a shelf unexpectedly near you. Because they want you to read it or you will get answers in that book. I got a book as a present from one of my friends and many answers from that book.
• Someone may appear at the right moment when you are in great need of their assistance.
• You may have a strong urge to turn somewhere while driving that you hadn't planned to. And later on, you come to know that there was a problem on the road that could make you late for an important meeting. That's how your guardian angels assist you.
• You may get your answers through online sources, a song on the radio, a newspaper, or a magazine.
• You may overhear a conversation between strangers sitting beside you. And get an idea to solve your problems.
• You might experience coincidences very often. You get used to unexpected offerings and help all the time.
• Miracles might become a daily routine, making you feel so blessed that you may even cry with happiness!
After asking your angels for assistance, always pay close attention to the repetition of words or numbers you see, hear, or think. Notice the song you hear repeatedly or see something particular most of the time. Keep asking until you have correctly understood their guidance.
How to Make a Good Connection with Your Guardian Angels?
• You must ask your guardian angels for help even though your side permanently appoints them. Angels want to help us but can't help us unless we ask. Just ask!
• Create your way of invoking them and sincerely pray to them in your language filled with love and devotion.
• After praying and asking for assistance, have faith in angels that your prayer has already been answered. Be patient and avoid being judgemental. Angels will shower their blessings on you soon!
• Invite your guardian angels to work with you. Welcome them always to be around you. They provide aid in many unexpected ways that we often misunderstand as coincidences.
• You always get assistance when needed, but the thing is how fast you walk on the path shown by them. The faster you act, the quicker you receive more help.
• Ask for a sign that they are near you. But never ask them to prove themselves. They can read every thought of yours.
• Start keeping an angel journal. Try to express what you feel for them and pay gratitude for all their help. Write why you need their assistance. Why do you want to feel their presence? Etc.
• Start writing down all the messages or signs you notice in a journal and analyze them later.
• Talk to your angels aloud or silently in your mind. Express yourself with unbreakable trust, "O my dear Angels; I regard you from my heart and soul. Please guide me for______________.”
• Start seeking information dedicated to Angels. In this way, you will open your mind, body, and soul to their higher realms, and you will start feeling their presence and high energies when reading the information on them.
• Visualize yourself surrounded by a white golden divine energy. This will raise the vibrations of your aura, making it easier for you to connect with angelic powers.
• Sit and send them vibes full of love and true feelings. Send them Reiki and healing energies.
• Imagine an Angel standing beside you. Try to feel their energy and presence. Then, start talking to them and feel the bliss!
In the end, whenever you ask anything from your guardian angels, never forget to thank them. It may take days, weeks, and even months to receive the answers you seek. They might give you the answer the same day, but you might not be able to understand.
Relax and quiet your mind and be realistic with your expectations. Angels are supernatural beings with supernatural powers and vibrate very high, and aligning with their vibration may take a while.
Try to awaken your senses by meditating regularly. Patience will help you establish a better connection with your guardian angels. Be patient!
Feature Image by Frauke Riether from Pixabay