New Moon Rising In Taurus: Prepare For A Dramatic Energy Shift On April 23
How will April 23th's Powerful New Moon impact each of the Zodiac signs in these challenging times?

This New Moon and this waxing Moon is bringing both positive energies and challenging times for each Zodiac Sign.
Find out what the future holds for you and what can you do to make the best out of this period.
New Moon Predictions for Aries
Aries is going to receive some financial benefits from this New Moon. Both short-term and long-term money-based decisions are going to be quite rewarding, bringing betterments in Aries’ overall wealth. However, this is also a period in which there are pitfalls in ambush along the path. You should pay attention to potential sources of scam, especially from the internet. Pay attention to emails, messages, and fake warnings.
Update your antivirus and firewall to make sure nothing bad happens to you or your device(s). Nonetheless, this is an interesting period for those who have already developed an internet business or are thinking of starting an entrepreneurial activity on the web. Despite potential pitfalls, this is a good time to make bold decisions about your future. Incomes may rise significantly if you focus on long-term results and keep a positive mindset of what you want to do. This attitude can help you a lot in these challenging times.
New Moon Predictions for Taurus
Taurus needs to be careful about money. Nothing bad is going to happen, but the time has come to face financial aspects that can no longer be delayed. In most cases, however, the New Moon and the waxing Moon period are not going to cause you serious problems if you stay calm and consider all actions from a perspective of inner serenity.
Your productive energy is stronger in this period and success is just a few steps ahead for all those who focus their energies on work and plans for the future. If you aim to forge new alliances in the business field (whatever is it) this is the right time to do so.
New Moon Predictions for Gemini:
Albeit spiritual energies are not as stronger as they were in the previous period for most of the Zodiac signs, this is not the case for Gemini. Spiritual energy is still strong for Gemini, thus allowing you to cleanse and heal your soul. Magic synchronicities can happen too. Nothing will come out of thin air.
Everything will be the result of your ability to tap into your inner source of wisdom, to find guidance for the future. Dreamworld will provide you a vision of what’s ahead of you, but it will not be as prophetic as it was in the previous time. Both business and money fields will be affected by a less powerful energy, but everything is within reach if you keep working hard.
New Moon Predictions for Cancer
During this New Moon and this waxing Moon, period stress is going to play a major role in your life. You need to keep your energy up and do let small problems drag you down. There are going to be little problems with the financial aspect, too. But they won’t be big problems. Unexpected expenses and obligations are going to cause you a bit of trouble, but you do not have to worry much about them.
Use this time to reorder the financial aspects of your life and everything will be fine. However, you are going to need to tap into your inner source of strength to overcome productivity issues, because your energies are not at their full potential. However, your progress will be unstoppable in the long term, so remain calm and use your time and energy wisely.
New Moon Predictions for Leo
This New Moon and this waxing Moon period are going to challenge you a bit. However, albeit all difficulties, Leo has a strong character and powerful will so nothing is going to stop you from achieving your goals. Some interferences may come from business partners, or the bank, or the law. This is not the time to make attempts for new forms of investing your money.
Do not try to take shortcuts, because financial energies are not aligned in this period. It might not end well if you think of being smarter than the stock market, or if you are planning new actions on the entrepreneurial side. Stay calm and delay big decisions for better times. Your thinking is not clear enough to support you in such decisions.
New Moon Predictions for Virgo
Good news on the Love side. Love life is going to be pleasant during this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Long-distance relationship will not be affected by physical distance. They will be strengthened and if you have started a new relationship it will be blessed by the good energies around you. Also, friends and acquaintances play an important role in this period, making it even more enjoyable.
Knowing that your partner and your friends love you so much will boost your overall mood. In the money and business field, you will experience a bit of trouble. Things will be difficult to handle and some stress may arise. Don’t overthink and focus your energies on your ability to solve them. Progress is to be expected soon.
New Moon Predictions for Libra
This New Moon and this waxing Moon period will have a negative influence on your love and sex life. The good thing is, though, that this period of negativity is going to affect only those who are in a parallel relationship or are cheating their significant other. For those who are on the righteous path, nothing serious is going to happen.
Furthermore, those who are in a good relationship are going to experience a truly satisfying period, especially for what concerning the sexual sphere. However, not everything will be honey and roses, so try to do your best to keep your relationship on a harmonious path of mutual respect. Physical health will be good. Job seekers will find what they are looking for.
New Moon Predictions for Scorpio
This New Moon and Waxing Moon bring strong energies in all fields of life. For many signs, this is not the best period of all, but for Scorpio, this is a great one. The sexual sphere, however, is not as good as a Scorpio would always like it to be but things are going to get better.
Most of the energies affecting sexuality are nonetheless beneficial ones. Long-standing relationships are going to be affected a bit more, but without setting a course for real problems. Being Scorpio a sign deeply related to sexuality, it also needs to take some time out, to prepare for a new bloom. Also, friends will bring positive energies, especially long term friendships will be reinforced.
Productivity and creativity are also strong, during this period. Artistic creativity, even more so. New projects will come to light, and Scorpio can use this period to plan ambitious plans for the future. use your energies wisely and new opportunities open up before your eyes.
New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius
This New Moon and Waxing Moon can harm the work field, which might become overly demanding and tiresome. However, finances are going to receive massive support. Those who are searching for a new job or new career opportunities will find every bump in the road smoothed over.
Health is strong, but do not underestimate potential problems. Don’t think of yourself as an invincible superhero. Be grateful for your overall health but do not stress your body because you feel confident in doing so. Eat healthy foods, do some exercise and your body will be in perfect shape for the years to come.
New Moon Predictions for Capricorn
First of all, you need to prioritize what needs to be prioritized. The work field receives some stressful energies from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Try not to be overstressed and try to get a good sleep. Health is neither good nor bad. If you are experiencing some health issues, remain calm, and do not try to take medications of any kind to speed up the healing process. it would only worsen the situation.
As previously said, try to get a good night’s sleep and everything will look different. From a financial point of view, try to avoid at any cost unnecessary expenses, especially if you are thinking of luxury goods. Save some money for the rainy days. A good amount of joy will come from your friends. They will give you both emotional support and practical advice if you have to make important decisions. take good care of your relationships, they are precious now more than ever.
New Moon Predictions for Aquarius
Good news on the home and family field. There are times when a family can be a source of stress, distraction, or discouragement. But during this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, the family is going to play a major role for those who were born under the sign of Aquarius. All family relationships will be good, tensions will be smoothed, and positive energies will flow freely and unhindered in your family field.
As a consequence, all healing energies are aligned, so both physical and emotional healing are at their best. On the money side, however, expenses and social obligations can stress your finances. You need to be as wise and prudent as possible. If you do not panic, (and there is nothing serious to worry about) everything will fall into place, spontaneously and naturally.
New Moon Predictions for Pisces
This New Moon and this waxing Moon period can be challenging for both your mood and emotional condition. It is crucial to keep a positive mindset. Focus on your blessings rather than on what you do not have. Count all your blessings. Thankfully, most of the energies your zodiac receives are beneficial ones so keep a positive attitude towards everything around you.
See the glass as being half full, not as being half empty. Productivity and creativity are quite strong. Work and both new and old projects proceed without obstacles. Social life can become quite good, too. Job seekers can find what the job they are looking for, and the same is true for those who are searching for people to hire.
Enjoy your New Moon!
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Article reference: magicalrecipesonline