Prayers For Miracles
Prayer for Faith and Miracles - Prayer for a Financial Miracle - Prayer for a Healing Miracle
A comfortable and fulfilled life is what God wants for us. God created the Angels to help and assist us all along our life journey. Leave your worries, your anxieties, and your fears to the Angels. Express your wishes through a sincere Prayer and let the Angels take care of everything.
You will gratefully witness the miracles of your manifestation taking place.
Prayer for Faith and Miracles
Dear Angel,
When I feel powerless, when I feel hopeless, when I feel weak, please, remind me that even with a bit of faith, as small as a mustard seed, I can move mountains. Help me release fears, doubts, and restrictive beliefs so that I may embody the spiritual power within myself. Cleanse me from any self-limitation and make me a generous and powerful miracle worker. Purify me so that I may let the light of the Divine shine in my life and throughout my life. Offer me the confidence I need to go forth so that I may see the miracles that arise from believing and trusting.
Prayer for a Financial Miracle
Dear Angel,
Please help me manifest a financial miracle. Guide me to release every thought pattern related to scarcity and limitation that causes me to attract a reality based on a lack of goods and financial well-being. Help me remove any hindrance that may interfere with the divine flow of abundance. Make me open to receive the gift of financial wealth and riches. I ask you to remove my anxieties, fears, and worries about money and replace them with the awareness that prosperity is my natural state of being. Let me allow money to come into my life quickly, abundantly, and effortlessly so that I may experience an existence of blissful and unlimited prosperity.
Prayer for a Healing Miracle
Dear Angel,
I pray for your miraculous healing today. Please assist me and help me heal. I surrender to you all my hurt, pain, worry, and fear about my health. Ease my distress, restore health to my body, and confidence in my spirit. Please guide me to whatever (rest, medicines, spiritual tips, alternative therapies, diet) may immediately return me to complete well-being. Drive away from me all forms of sickness and disease, now and forever. Infuse me with your blessing light so that I may feel restored to total well-being. Let your healing energy surround me, flow through me. Let the warmth of your divine light pass through my body and renew, regenerate and recharge all my cells. Pour peace, love, and bliss into my veins. Embrace me and make me feel joyfully healthy.
FROM OUR BOOK "DEAR ANGEL... Prayers for Healing Miracles, Protection, Guidance, and Financial Blessings"
In this book, you will find prayers for all your needs and desires. There's a Prayer for every aspect of your life!

Why you should have this book
It unleashes the angelic power into your life
- It helps you achieve prosperity, health, and anything you want
- It helps you leave your worries, anxieties, and fears to the Angels and live a positive life
- It helps you deepen your relationship with your Angels
- The power of Prayer knows no limits, and there's nothing the Angels cannot do for you and your loved ones
- The Angels are just waiting for you to invite them into your world. You just have to call and pray to them
It tells you the secret to making the law of attraction work
- If the law of attraction has not worked for you, it is because you have not activated the angelic power in your life
- Things and people come to you spontaneously and effortlessly thanks to the attractiveness of your thoughts, combined with the angelic intervention
- The Angels become the invisible directors of lucky coincidences and fulfilled wishes
The Angels are just waiting for you to invite them into your world, and the best way to ask and receive help from the Angels is through the power of Prayer. The Angels are listening!
The power of Prayer knows no limits, and there's nothing the Angels cannot do for you. Through the power of Prayer, you put your Angels at work, wonderful things begin to happen, and miracles become normality!
So say a prayer to the Angels right now and start living a miraculous life!

Dear Angel... Prayers for Healing Miracles, Protection, Guidance, and Financial Blessings
Through the power of these Prayers, you put your Angels at work, wonderful things begin to happen, and miracles become normality!