Let Your Angel Guide You: Choose Your Wings for Life Guidance
Do you need guidance? Would you like to know what the future has in store for you? Select a pair of wings and get ready for an inspiring message from your Angel!

The Angels constantly send us messages for our Highest Good.
Be they in the form of signs (an angel-shaped cloud), sounds (a song), or objects (a feather or a pair of wings); the Angels are constantly sending us messages. It is up to us to make the best out of their messages. The more we can spot signs from the Angels, the higher the chance of getting the advice we need at a specific moment in our lives.
Do you need guidance? Would you like to know what the future has in store for you? Then, take a look at the photo.
Which pair of wings are you drawn to?
Allow your intuition to guide you to select the pair of wings you like the most, and get ready for the message waiting to be revealed today to assist you along your path.
Which pair of wings have you chosen?
Wings #1.
Your Angel tells you everything is in Divine order, although your life might seem challenging nowadays. What is now causing you inner turmoil will soon turn out for the best.
The Angels are at work to help you solve a problematic situation, and nothing can stop them from helping you. Your Angel wants to reassure you. He is saying to you that the Angelic forces of the Universe are aligned for your Highest Good. The clouds will soon disappear, and a brighter future is ahead. After the storm clears, you will be guided in a new direction. You will experience renewed health, mental strength, joy, and abundance in the following months.
Dear Angel,
I am worried about this problem. Please, calm my troubled mind, allow me not to worry, and rely on your help. Remember that you are always by my side, assisting me until the problem is resolved. Please, guide me so I may embrace this problem as a meaningful lesson rather than an annoying and senseless inconvenience. Help me recognize it as a divine opening and unexpected pathway into receiving all I deserve and wish for. To your guidance and love, I surrender my problem. I surrender it knowing it will be completely solved in the most loving and merciful way for myself and all concerned. I surrender my worries about this problem to you, knowing that peace will be restored within my mind and heart.
Thank You. Amen.
(From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels - Get your Prayers Answered and Fulfill All Your Dreams With the Help of the Angels)
Wings #2
Your Angel is telling you that you are awakening to your True Self. You have endured many trials and experienced many troubles in the past. You are still facing difficulties, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. This is part of a transitional process towards the highest points of self-awareness. You know that life can sometimes be hard, but you have come out of any challenge in the past and have turned out fine. Difficulties of any kind have made you stronger. You know that you can solve your problems. Your self-confidence has grown by leaps and bounds over the years, and you are now aware of your inner strength and qualities. Your Angel is also saying to you: "I have your back, so don't worry about the future!"
Dear Angel,
It seems like everything is falling apart in my life. I'm going through trial after trial, waiting for the next heartbreaking news to come, and I don't know how to survive it. I'm longing for hope and peace in the middle of this challenging time. Please, spare me more trouble and pain. Embrace me, hide me under your wings, and keep me safe until the storm passes. Help me unveil the life lesson concealed within these tribulations. Despite the circumstances, let me experience peace, protection, and comfort. Remind me that when everything seems like it is falling apart, it's only falling into place. Remind me that God's plans are always perfect and are for my own good, even when I can not see the bigger picture.
Thank You. Amen
And hereβs a second Prayer for you:
Dear Angel,
Please give me guidance so that I may embrace every problem that comes my way as a meaningful lesson rather than an annoying and senseless inconvenience. Help me treasure your guidance so I may learn quickly from every life lesson with a flexible mind and an open heart.
Thank You. Amen
(From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels - Get your Prayers Answered and Fulfill All Your Dreams With the Help of the Angels)
Wings #3
Your Angel says, "Take some time out for yourself."
To feel deeply the suffering of others and to know how to help them is a gift you possess. You are always busy taking care of everyone else's needs, but now the time has come to take more care of yourself.
You cannot save the whole world and waste too much energy on helping others.
In doing so, you are easily prone to running out of 'fuel' for yourself, which could be better. You tend to become exhausted because you need to put more effort into trying to help others at any cost. You cannot keep spending every energy of yours on helping others.
If you want to help the world, you must first help yourself.
At the same time, you must realize that you cannot help someone who doesn't want to be helped.
As we write in our Book, We Are Human Angels - A Crash Course For Angelic Humans: βHow much pain do we see around us? And how strong is our desire to help others whenever and however? But helping someone at all costs violates the Sacred Law of Free Will. When someone is suffering, we can always offer to be there for them, but we are free to intervene only when we have the consent of their soul.β
So your Angel is telling you that now you must pause from all the problems in the world, relax a bit, and prepare yourself for a new bloom. You will be more efficient and productive after giving yourself a much-needed break. So renew your energies and get ready for a fresh start!
Dear Angel,
Please help me understand my own needs and limitations. Give me guidance to set healthy boundaries for my own wellness. Help me be there for others, but never leave myself behind.
Thank You. Amen
(From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels - Get your Prayers Answered and Fulfill All Your Dreams With the Help of the Angels)
Wings #4
Your Angel is telling you to shed some light on what you want in your life.
You need to focus on your most genuine dreams and desires and not on what others want from you. Be aware of the thoughts you are having and the efforts you are putting into play to make your dreams come true.
It is crucial to clearly understand what you want to manifest in your life.
Once you have done this, everything you desire will become available. But you must cleanse your thoughts and focus on your most profound and authentic desires.
It is as if, on one side, you declare: "Yes! I wish for health, happiness, and abundance. I would like to love and to be loved," but on the other side, you say: "I do not feel worthy of it." The Universe cannot deliver what you desire when you have conflicting intentions, consciously or unconsciously. It is as if the Uni-verse was first given an order and immediately after providing a countermanding order.
When you become aware of your Divine Nature, you become powerful. The time between your desire and its manifestation in the physical world will be quick beyond any expectation!
Dear Angel,
Please remind me that I have all I need within me. Help me remember that my divine birthright is to manifest a joyous, successful, and abundant life.
Thank You. Amen
(From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels - Get your Prayers Answered and Fulfill All Your Dreams With the Help of the Angels)
Wings #5
Your Angel is telling you that you are being asked to harmonize with your life's natural rhythm and flow. So keep a positive attitude towards life and move on with the changing tides for the best possible outcome. Stop trying to change things at all costs and start living a life of acceptance.
As we write in our Book, We Are Human Angels - We Inspire Change, A Complete Course for Angelic Humans:
βWhen we live in unconditional acceptance, we become aware of being One with everything that happens, as the waves are one with the ocean. At this point, we stop wasting time and energy trying to swim against the tide of life. Eventually, we start flowing in harmony with its unseen currents. We sway to the movements of its tides; we follow the direction of the wind without offering any resistance.β
Expect a miracle soon! You have now made your intentions clear. You have prayed for assistance, and your prayers will be answered. The sooner you release your situation to God and the Angels, the quicker miracles will manifest in your life.
Dear Angel,
Please inspire me to develop true self-confidence and no longer need other people to accept me or tell me how good I am. Inspire me with unconditional self-acceptance so that I may be fully satisfied and fulfilled with how I am.
Thank You. Amen
And here's a second Prayer:
Dear Angel,
When a new challenge unexpectedly comes up in my life, please, infuse me with the power of acceptance. Guide me to embrace everything that occurs in my life with a confident and fearless heart.
Thank You. Amen
(From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels - Get your Prayers Answered and Fulfill All Your Dreams With the Help of the Angels)
Wings #6
Your Angel is saying to you: "Walk the less-traveled path."
If you are the kind of person who always does things 'by the book,' your Angel tells you to change how you approach problems and opportunities. Be more creative, and do not fear to see things from a different perspective. You solve problems from a rational point of view. There's nothing wrong with that, but you can do a lot more.
Unleash your highest potential, use your fantasy, and try different ways to approach (and solve) a problem.
Maybe you have focused on having a 'regular' life, but maybe at a deeper level, you are not satisfied with your life.
The time has come to be more versatile, which will help you in all fields of life. Start thinking out of the box, and you'll see unexpected solutions come to the surface. Everything is going to be easier, lighter, and way more satisfying!
Dear Angel,
Please awaken me in body and spirit each day with the desire to improve myself. Inspire me to become the best version of myself. Give me your guidance so that, by making myself better, I may make the world a better place.
Thank You. Amen
(From our book 365 Prayers to the Angels - Get your Prayers Answered and Fulfill All Your Dreams With the Help of the Angels)
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