Synchronicity Happens For A Reason - There Are No Accidents And No Coincidences

Why do things happen? Do they happen for a reason or for a coincidence?

When Carl Jung first introduced synchronicity, it became one of the most popular concepts in common psychology, and it is a term used to describe many things. However, synchronicity is another big mystery, and humanity is searching for answers. We believe in higher energy. Indeed, at least all religious and spiritual leaders will confirm the same. However, maybe there is a more significant force that drives or creates the ‘energy- is it synchronicity?

The most interesting thing about synchronicity is the coincidence. Very often, it happens to all of us to say, ‘ oh, what a coincidence. But does coincidence exist, or there’s only synchronicity?

Synchronicity means that everything happens for a reason – every “coincidence” or “accident” sends a message or teaches you. Your task is to notice it and understand its meaning. If you know and recognize it – you can use it to make dreams come true.
Photo by Greg Rakozy / Unsplash

In this world, everything is linked- every life and all people are creating ‘crossroads’ of emotions, energy, mana… Synchronicity makes that possible.

In other words, we are all part of a universe, and there is an unknown number of links and connections between everything and everyone. Synchronicity represents the law of unity and division, the law of the exact moment and eternity, and the connection of space, time, and material.

Every coincidence has a message and code. If you feel that everything can go wrong, the universe sends you a message.
Photo by NASA / Unsplash

Synchronicity works strangely, probably above the human’s ability to understand it. For example, when we are ready for certain kinds of people, events, or opportunities, we unconsciously send a vibe to the universe. In doing so, we have a higher chance, and most probably, we will meet those people, events, etc.

Are we able to use Synchronicity to make our dreams come true?  

Photo by Johannes Plenio / Unsplash

Interesting question! First, we already mentioned that Synchronicity is way above the level of our spiritual progress as natural species. On the other hand, we know that our hope, love, and faith are the strongest and most powerful human treats. So, keep the positive energy, believe in it, believe in your dreams, fight for them and - be patient.

Give it a minute and let it happen. Never lose hope and always save love and passion in your heart.

Article reference: Peace Quarters