What's The Meaning Of Suffering? Why Do People With Good Hearts Get Hurt The Most?
What's The Meaning Of Suffering? Why Do The Good People Always Have To Suffer The Most? Why Do People With Good Hearts Get Hurt The Most?
Why? Because brave souls have chosen to suffer in order to evolve and unlock their inner power.
We have chosen to be vulnerable, we have chosen to be sensitive, so we can experience every sort of pain and fear in order to transform them into divine love.
We have chosen to face all the illusions of duality to be reborn in the Oneness. Every trial in our life is the bearer of a gift of awareness to be discovered. This is why the most courageous souls often choose to face the most challenging ordeals for their evolution.
To accept, with courage and wisdom, all the challenges set by our destiny is the most direct and effective way of fulfilling our destiny and getting rid of it.

Destiny is nothing other than the plan of life that our souls have lovingly prepared for us and that we are now experiencing. Our souls have chosen the trials we have to face, but the way in which we deal with them is always and only based on our free will. All the challenges in our lives, and the suffering we experience in facing them, are powerful opportunities to transform our lives and unlock our inner power.
As a symptom shows us which kind of disease we have and where it is within our bodies, so our inner suffering clearly pinpoints which parts of our lives need to be healed and rebalanced. Both the desire for a quiet life and the fear of change lead us to attempt to maintain the status quo even when we are involved with problematic relationships and situations, whereas the increase of suffering places us immediately in a condition of intolerable uneasiness and spurs us on to change the state of things in our lives.
Our suffering is nothing other than a powerful sign that the time has come to remove the root causes of our pain: our old emotional programs and every seed of separation. When a symptom appears, it means that the healing process has already begun. When the symptom worsens and the pain becomes more acute, it means that the solution is within reach.
The old moves on to make way for the new: we die in the ego to be reborn into love.
The more we surrender to change, the less we suffer.
Pain, preceding our rebirth, originates from the ego struggling to resist before disappearing into the Oneness. To be reborn, we must distance ourselves from our old world of certainties that, in reality, are nothing other than the limiting beliefs on which our ego is founded.
To cross the narrow and dark channel of fear of change and fear of loss, we must give up on our misleading sense of identity and on all that we have believed to be. To be reborn is like giving birth to ourselves and passing through the pains of labour. The intensity and the duration of labour pains depend on our resistance to surrendering to the pull of life, to let go of our fears and our attachments. When we pass through the constricting tunnel that leads to our rebirth, we cannot see anything but darkness, we cannot feel anything but pressure everywhere. All of a sudden, the light that until a moment before was missing and that we were afraid would never arrive, appears.
The darkest moment of the night comes just before dawn. When your entire life seems to be lost in the never-ending darkness, when you feel that a new trial is too hard to face and you are ready to throw in the towel, “I can’t take anymore, it’s too much for me!”, this is the moment in which you stop fighting. You choose to surrender and let things happen because you have completely run out of the strength and energy to commit yourself to a new trial. This is the moment in which the miracle manifests itself: the ego disappears.
When the rays of the sun dispel the darkness, all the shadows that seemed to be threatening presences, disappear in the blink of an eye. This is when the light of the Self sparks. The ego showing its illusory character vanishes, in the same way, all the disquieting shadows instantly dissolve at the rising of the sun.
When the ego and all its illusions die, we are reborn in the Oneness and we can finally express who we really are: Human Angels, souls who have incarnated in order to awaken themselves and others to the awareness of the Oneness.
From our book We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans

It Teaches You How To:
- overcome the real matrix of ego.
- heal from the pain of the past imprinted in your emotional body.
- be truly happy and make other people happy too.
- consciously create your own reality and become love in action.
- tune in with the universal flow of love, joy, and abundance.
- build a healthy, joyful romantic relationship and achieve the sacred union.
- manage your intense sensitivity and make the best use of it in helping others.
- help others while respecting the Sacred Law of Free Will
- fulfill your highest potential as a Human Angel and to find your own mission here on earth.
- open your heart and unfold your wings.
- miraculously transform your life through the awareness of the Oneness.
- turn your consciousness into action.
- reunite in a collective action of conscious and awakened beings with a common vision of a new world.

We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans
This book is a fully equipped wisdom package that gives you all the tools to change your life forever and to make the world a better place.