The Feather You Choose Reveals Your True Calling
Discover your soul's true message by choosing the feather that speaks to you. Uncover the wisdom and guidance that's been waiting for you.

We are personalities that are connected to our soul essence. You could say the soul is of higher consciousness and constantly communicates with us. We are comforted and at peace when we connect to our soul essence.
Some ways to connect to our soul are meditating, journaling, praying, reading books, and bringing awareness inwards.
So what is your soul’s message? Find out by selecting the feather that resonates with you the most.

Feather #1
Your soul is bringing your fears front and center for you to acknowledge them, identify them, and move them into a place of healing and understanding.
Our fears paralyze us and grab hold of our emotions and thoughts. Furthermore, our fears often hold us in a place of stagnancy. They are usually about something that has not even manifested. In other words, fear is not an actual physical thing. Yet, our thoughts and emotions give life the material to our fears. By understanding your fears, you free yourself from your own self-imposed prison and begin to welcome joy and hope into your heart. This is an excellent time to use journaling as your processing tool to aid you in shifting through the fears that have held you captive for so long.
Feather #2
Are you allowing your emotions to be influenced by the opinions and feelings of others? Or it could be that you are influencing others by sharing your own experiences and not allowing them to formulate their own opinion. This may be happening in your life now, so your soul is bringing this up.
Somewhere we are dealing with someone trying to persuade others to feel a certain way, and you are either on the receiving or giving end. Yes, sometimes we want to save someone from heartache and vice versa. Or, someone may want to spare us an unfortunate situation and disappointment, but not everyone will have the same experience. Therefore, it’s important to base all decisions and discernments on personal experience and perception.
Feather #3
The suggestion from your soul today is to meditate and or contemplate on the character traits that you may have viewed as flaws and turn them into your own superpowers. Each individual is unique and has purposeful qualities, even if they seem challenging.
For example, you may know that you have a stubborn side. Apply that stubbornness to the area(s) where willpower and inner strength are needed to push forward, let’s say, maybe fighting for your rights when you know you have been wronged.
An example of this could be you are overcharged for car repairs. Instead of paying the extra money, speak up.
You have alchemical gold within you that may be hiding behind some character traits that need some polishing. So get to work on your personal magic.