What Makes Happy Each Zodiac Sign
Happiness is the birthright of every human being. Reading and deciphering the hidden messages coded in our Natal Astrological Chart, can give us many details on what we truly need to become shiny and blissful.

What’s the meaning of life?
We can search our entire lifetime for this answer. Yet only few claim that they have truly found it. But is this answer the same for everyone? Surely we can try anything we want to see if it truly makes us happy. But I believe that the answer is always personalised. What makes me happy may drive others nuts!
What makes you happy?
If you already know the answer then its clearly useless to read further. However, the list here may surprise you and give you further instructions on how to achieve a constant blissful state. Isn’t this what we truly want?
Photo by Fernando Brasil / Unsplash
Zodiac Signs and what makes them Happy
Happiness and bliss is in our DNA. It is also written in our astral bodies – aura in a code similar to our genetic code. This information is coded uniquely in each human being. Hence, although we humans may follow trends we all have this specific something which raises our vibrations.
Reading and deciphering the hidden messages coded in our Natal Astrological Chart, can give us many details on what we truly want / need to become shiny and blissful.
Aries: Excitement
Getting excited is what powers up Aries vibrations. Try Giving them every now and then, little challenges you keep them alert. Aries is born from fire – a child of Ares (Mars) god and planet of war and fights.
They need to conquer, like all the time. But most importantly they get happier when they truly manage to conquer their fears. This is their truest enemies. What’s keeps them enslaved from driving their bikes in nature breathing the air of freedom.
If you are Aries and you want to become happier, engage in activities that give you some sort of excitement. Moreover find ways to conquer your fears – little by little. Do not become reckless. Fear management should always be safe!
Taurus: Stability
A word which means the world to them. But what is truly stability? Even most of them don’t really know. One thing is certain though. They avoid and despise change – no matter if their hearts are truly burning for change.
They like to be the ones who like stability. Weird huh? In fact what they want is some kind of reassurance. Most likely, they become happy when they find a soulmate they can trust and devote themselves to him/her.
Trust is very important to them. Although they are very strong people, when they meet their special someone, they become vulnerable and invincible at the same time. Vulnerable from their partner yet invincible from all external threats. To become happy all they need is love. On the other hand, isn’t what we are all looking for?
Gemini: Freedom
Feeling free is what Gemini really wants even since a little child. We see them trying to become independent from everyone and everything. But what they discover later in their lives is that all they want to do is to breathe the air of freedom from their darkest fears. This is what they want to become happy.
You cannot tame air and you cannot tame a Gemini. The only think that can truly enslave them is their fears and dark thoughts. This is what a Gemini truly needs to feel free from. This is why if we truly love a Gemini we need to show him/her that we trust him/her.
If a Gemini finds a way to “solve” issues that keep him/her emotionally trapped then they become truly amazing partners and friends. All they need to do is discover a way to manage their dark thoughts.
Cancer: Continuity
These are the signs of heritage and emotional security. Being a Cancer is like windsurfing on a vast ocean. It has its ups and downs. More importantly it has depth, like their emotions. A true Cancer needs to feel emotionally secure. How is this able to happen?
First of all it’s very important to make a safe space for Cancer for any possible parts of their lives. Whether this is career or finances or personal relationships, a Cancer is happy when continuity is guaranteed. They despise failures. Once they feel there is a fruitful future, they give their best.
Do you want your Cancer to be more productive and happy? Make sure that s/he has potential to grow further. If you are a Cancer, what you need to do is invest in your future by making safe choices. Although, luck is almost always by your side, it’s that kind of luck that grows with you. Stay focused.
Leo: Self-Confidence
There is nothing sexier than looking at a lion/lioness walking in a bar full of confidence. And there is a very good reason. When they feel confident they radiate happiness and light which can uplift everyone around.
They are the children of Sun and Light. Once they embrace their weakest parts of their soul they are truly invincible. How can they achieve it? First of all they have to make peace with the fact that they can never be perfect. Next, they need to feel unique for what they truly are.
Each one of us is different and that’s good. Feeling unique is a liberating emotion. As a Leo, you have to understand that all your pros and cons just add to your amazing profile. Embrace what you are and start walking proudly once again. Now that you have won the battle against your doubts you can slowly work on these flaws.
Virgo: Admiration
These are the alchemists of the Zodiac, the ones who are sent to work hard to make this world a better place.
All a Virgo needs is to hear something like “Thank you” or “I admire what you do.”.
This truly makes them happy. Why?
Because a true Virgo always criticizes the whole world and most importantly they judge themselves – harder than everyone. This happens because they truly believe that there is always room for growth and development. They cannot easily rest because they feel there is always something to do.
Although that’s true, they will rest once they hear a warm “thank you” from the ones they’ve helped. They can work really hard, and all they want is the ethical support of people around them. This is what gives them the self-confidence they need to stop judging themselves and start working to become better in every-way!
Libra: Beauty
As true children of Aphrodite-Venus all they need is beauty. They live and thirst for beauty, love and affection. Beauty though, is all about harmony and balance. A true Libra thirsts for all these qualities.
All Libra want is to live in harmony with people and nature around them. Learning to express their beauty through art or all kinds of crafts is truly essential. Even since childhood, all Libras need to find a peaceful place with no dramas for self-expression.
So are you a Libra? Find an art that you feel more happy with and start practising. Sing, dance, paint, write … express yourself. That’s what will make you truly happy. Finding a way to create beauty!
Scorpio: Power
Due to the fact that Scorpio is ruled by Ares – Mars (the planet of War and fights) along with Pluto – Hades (planet of Power and transformation) all who are born this influence have lifelong issues with power. Let me explain.
Scorpio is a true survivor. They can handle almost anything. Since young boys and girls they look for this thing that will give them enough power. Strength is taken through sexual experiences, money, magic or any other means.
As they evolve they understand that true power always comes from within. This is why it’s considered the wisest of the Zodiac. They ultimately find that they only need to depend on themselves, the true source of power. Once they feel confident about themselves, they are truly happy.
Sagittarius: Hope
Their true power comes from Jupiter, the planet of opportunities, growth and expansion. There is no room for pettiness or narrow-mindedness. A true Sagittarius is always aiming higher and higher. Their guide is hope.
No Sagittarius can be happy if optimism is lost. This is why they need to find people around them who nurture their dreams yet also gently ground them once in a while only to avoid failure and disappointments.
Their wise nature will ultimately find a way to achieve their lifelong dreams and make them true, but they still need hope and good vibes to become happy. That’s how they will enter a state of constant bliss.
Capricorn: (self-)Respect
Capricorn may have developed over the years a strong – thick exterior to avoid getting hurt. Why is that? Because most of them constantly doubt themselves and almost everything they do.
It comes so natural to them because they’ve begun doing it since childhood. They need to become better in everything. Better in studies, better in career, relationships, sex, family… everywhere. They are true perfectionists and they don’t realise who perfect they already are.
All a Capricorn needs is to see respect in the eyes of the people which surround them.
This is when they will learn to develop their self-respect. Once they embrace and respect their souls they become truly happy and capable for nearly anything.
Aquarius: Uniqueness
Although since childhood they learn to blend in social circles and successfully mix it up, they always need to reserve their true identity – they uniqueness. Why? Cause this is what makes them independent from anyone else.
Being different than anyone else is something they are afraid yet always long for. An Aquarius is happy when these little things that make us unique are completely and totally embraced. Everyone has dark parts in their personality.
We win when we manage to embrace all parts of ourselves and calm our spirit. Time is endless. Hence, we can always go back and work with our flaws. But hiding from our own selves never solves anything. Embrace your uniqueness.
Pisces: Warm Feelings
They are ruled by Neptune – Poseidon, god and planet of the oceans. What lies beneath the sea no one can really tell. Treasures, lost civilisations and hideous monsters. The same applies with the emotions of Pisces.
They constantly receive stimuli from their vast oceans of feelings. Mostly unable to identify the source of these stimuli they keep trying to find a way to balance what happens in their heart. Sometimes they are lost. When they give up, they travel to other worlds in order to find their peace of mind. But that’s just a defence mechanism.
What Pisces really want is to have people around them who make them feel secure and loved. When they feel the warmth of love in their hearts melting the ice of fears then they can be really happy. Love is the answer.
Read next: The Most Amazing Inspirational Quote for Each Zodiac Sign
Article Source: magicalrecipesonline
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