What to Do When Life Seems To Be Out of Control

Whether you try to control events or not, things happen in any case. So what to do when life seems to be out of control?

What to Do When Life Seems To Be Out of Control

Whether you plan or not, life goes on anyway.

Whether you try to control events or not, things happen in any case.

To attempt to change the course of events, to struggle to make or not make things happen, means to try to divert the natural flow of life.

Things happen, and they always spontaneously happen in perfect timing.

If you try to hasten the manifestation of events at any cost, they will more likely rapidly dissolve into a fog of incompleteness, or go ahead with many difficulties, or miserably fail, thus making you experience suffering and frustration.

If you remain within the unconditional acceptance of the present moment, keeping your intentions pure and free from any expectations, nourishing them with love and trust, what you have chosen to manifest will naturally happen without effort.

You must remain silent and stand still: we must breathe.

Our existence here on earth begins and ends with a single breath. It is not necessary to do anything other than simply what we want to do and what makes us feel content, and let the vision of our accomplished wishes come to us spontaneously, shaped into the form of our new reality.

The Universe has its own timing that perfectly coincides with our inner timing, even if we are unaware of it most of the time.

The Universe is always perfectly tuned with the deepest will of our souls.

Non-acceptance is the outcome of ego and separation. We judge everything that happens; we judge everyone, accepting only what conforms to our expectations and rejecting what we believe does not.

If someone does not behave as expected, we feel disappointed, hurt, embittered, and betrayed.

As a consequence, we suffer from the pain of our unfulfilled expectations. To practice full acceptance, profound wisdom is required. It is necessary to remember who we Are.

Acceptance is the outcome of the consciousness that we are all One and that nothing (not even the Oneness itself) can ever judge the Oneness. In the Oneness, judgment does not exist.

Where there is no judgment only the simple, silent, and loving observation of what happens remains: in one word, acceptance.

When we live in unconditional acceptance, we become aware of being One with everything that happens, as the waves are one with the ocean.

At this point, we stop wasting time and energy trying to swim against the tide of life. Eventually, we start flowing in harmony with its unseen currents.

We sway to the movements of its tides, we follow the direction of the wind, without offering any resistance.

From our book We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans


It Teaches You How To:
  • overcome the real matrix of ego.
  • heal from the pain of the past imprinted in your emotional body.
  • be truly happy and make other people happy too.
  • consciously create your own reality and become love in action.
  • tune in with the universal flow of love, joy, and abundance.
  • build a healthy, joyful romantic relationship and achieve the sacred union.
  • manage your intense sensitivity and use it best in helping others.
  • help others while respecting the Sacred Law of Free Will
  • fulfill your highest potential as a Human Angel and to find your own mission here on earth.


  • open your heart and unfold your wings.
  • miraculously transform your life through the awareness of the Oneness.
  • turn your consciousness into action.
  • reunite in a collective action of conscious and awakened beings with a common vision of a new world.

We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans

This book is a fully equipped wisdom package that gives you all the tools to change your life forever and to make the world a better place.